Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Motivate, Educate and wait…

*Diva Confession

I will be empowered as I empower others
to flourish in the area of their giftings
I will not seek to control or even contain them
but release them to their calling
With my blessings.

Sometimes I get so caught up in my own motivators, goals and plans- that I forget others.
The same thing that would motivate me to ‘do’ might not motivate you.
As part of being a leader, a motivator, a mentor- we must remember those that are
following or coming to us for support.
Leadership is not about US. But about helping each other accomplish his/her goals.
MY goal is to HELP- guide.
I say this because over the past few weeks, I’ve lead many people to requested
(and some not requested) resources that I know will help them reach their personal
goals. But, when they did not take advantage of the resource, I felt disappointed in
them. I felt as if I had wasted my time. Then, I didn’t follow up with the person in
a ‘loving’, motivating way. I followed up with them in an angry parental way
What do you think was their response?

I lost sight of MY goal.

This week, let’s focus on our leadership goal. This could be applied to any area of
our lives. Let’s motivate by doing. By nurturing. By helping. Helping without
looking for a return. Let’s continue to provide the resources needed to empower
those around us. Then sit back and watch the flowers bloom.
I’m sure we will reap the empowerment we sow, even when it’s unseen.

*Diva Confession taken from the book The DIVA Principle: Secrets to
Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Why aren’t Gods people more creative

and insightful in their use of talents?

(Inserts from Care Takers of God’s Blessing by Larry Burkett)

A shrewd manager can do a lot more with few resources than a pretentious
manager can with many resources. In 1983 Ganga Stone brought a bag of groceries
to a man dying of AIDS. Arriving at his house, she realized he was too sick to cook f
or himself, she started phoning his friends. Soon this man was receiving a hot meal
every day. But Ganga met others like him. With less than $10 as start up money,
she created God’s Love We Deliver, which in 1994 organized 1,700 volunteers to
feed more than 600 shut-ins a day. Forty of NY’s best restaurants donated food
thanks to Ganga’s talent for persuasion.

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things” (Matt 25:21)
Ganga was faithful with $10 and a gift for persuasion; God eventually entrusted
her with a $5.5million organization.

Not all of us will find ourselves managing that much of God’s wealth in this lifetime,
but any of us can cultivate Ganga’s creativity. Along with a willingness to risk and a
commitment to God’s priorities, shrewdness or creativity is an essential mind-set
for a member of God’s management team.

Fear and embarrassment paralyze creative thinking. Courage and trust in God’s
grace free us to be shrewd. Sometimes it’s hard to muster courage when we feel
alone; that’s why we’re exhorted to “encourage one another” (1 Thes 5:11).
We’re a management team and we need each other.
I may have ideas that can help you grow. You may have a vision from God
I need to hear.
Being an encourager is serious business and we need to be sure we are doing our jobs.

Is there something you would like to do, but don’t know where and how to start?
ASK someone. Don’t be embarrassed to share your thoughts. You never know who
God will use in your life to help you fulfill your purpose. It’s time to stop wondering
and get the answers you need. Procrastination is a thief of time. Fear is a dream killer.

Let’s prosper together.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Source of Joy

Motivator of the Day Brought to you by: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Black_Business_Owners_Network/

This is a beautiful day, filled with tremendous positive possibilities
And you can make it even better.
Be a source of joy today, and you can make the world a better place.
Be a source of joy today, and experience how great it feels. Take those things
that normally would annoy you, and simply laugh them off. Then overwhelm them
with your own joyful smile, kind words and thoughtful actions.
Do something helpful just because it feels so good and so right.
Put a smile on your face, in your voice and in your thoughts, and watch as your joyful _expression spreads far beyond you.Whatever you may be doing, make the
decision to truly and fully enjoy it. You'll be amazed at how quickly others will
pick up on your joy and return it to you in even greater measure.
Fill your heart with joy by filling the world with joy. Be a source of joy today, and
experience life at its best.

Monday, May 23, 2005

A lack of Faith

I started filling out ‘Thank You’ cards for some customers this weekend, and in the process,
the words "Without Faith, it is impossible to please God” came to mind.
It was a wonderful confirmation on what I’ve been feeling and thinking.

A lot is going on in my life.
I want to accomplish much in a short period of time.
Basically, I want all that I messed up, -cleaned up NOW.
I want all on my "Lifes To-do” list- to be in the works, if not being worked.
But the obstacles are wearing me down. The hardships have made the
reachable seem unreachable, and have made my goals seem very unrealistic.
Doubt set in, followed by those old feelings of failure….

My prayer Saturday was "Why me? I just see no way out. There is no way on
earth to reach the goals I want, in the time frame that I’ve set…..I failed"

Because I took my eyes off the prize, dared to doubt what God and I can do,
I almost gave up.
I lost sight of my strength, and weakness tried to hold me captive.
I almost lost it all, because of my lack of faith to know beyond what was seen.

"Without Faith, it is impossible to please God…..”
So today with a renewed spirit and a renewed mind, I push on valuing even the little
things I’ve accomplished. They may not be the completed goal, but it’s a portion of
the bigger picture.
I have enough faith to keep on, enough faith to expand my goals, enough faith to
accomplish what I want.
Faith, even when I see nothing.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Here we go...

and yet we have created another spot. What started as a "it would be cool too" has turned into a "MUST DO". So, I'm on a mission.
I love my store, and the people it attracts....but now it's time to move it up a notch. Big things are expected to happen in July.
I'm ready.