Monday, May 23, 2005

A lack of Faith

I started filling out ‘Thank You’ cards for some customers this weekend, and in the process,
the words "Without Faith, it is impossible to please God” came to mind.
It was a wonderful confirmation on what I’ve been feeling and thinking.

A lot is going on in my life.
I want to accomplish much in a short period of time.
Basically, I want all that I messed up, -cleaned up NOW.
I want all on my "Lifes To-do” list- to be in the works, if not being worked.
But the obstacles are wearing me down. The hardships have made the
reachable seem unreachable, and have made my goals seem very unrealistic.
Doubt set in, followed by those old feelings of failure….

My prayer Saturday was "Why me? I just see no way out. There is no way on
earth to reach the goals I want, in the time frame that I’ve set…..I failed"

Because I took my eyes off the prize, dared to doubt what God and I can do,
I almost gave up.
I lost sight of my strength, and weakness tried to hold me captive.
I almost lost it all, because of my lack of faith to know beyond what was seen.

"Without Faith, it is impossible to please God…..”
So today with a renewed spirit and a renewed mind, I push on valuing even the little
things I’ve accomplished. They may not be the completed goal, but it’s a portion of
the bigger picture.
I have enough faith to keep on, enough faith to expand my goals, enough faith to
accomplish what I want.
Faith, even when I see nothing.


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