Thursday, September 29, 2005

Words that spoke to me

Be still, and know that I am God. - Psalm 46:10 NKJV
"Be Still"

Anxious soul, God is saying to you today, "Be still, and know that I am God."
And there's a reason He's saying it. Your activity, when born out of anxiety,
actually prevents Him from showing Himself strong on your behalf.
That doesn't mean you're to be passive or lazy; it just means you're to do
whatever He leads you to do without running ahead of Him in the energy
of the flesh! It also means you're to submit to Him first,then slow down and
wait! In other words, make sure you have a sense ofpeace to go along with
the ideas you believe He's given you. Ask Him to reveal to you His will in the
matter, then "be still" and acknowledge that He's God, He's in charge, He knows
what He's doing! Learn to trust Him without always demanding to know what
He's going to do, when He's going to do it, and how He's going to carry it out.

Jesus said, "I am the vine, and you are the branches" (Jn 15:5 NIV).
Until you really embrace those words you'll keep trying to do things that
only God can do - like blessing yourself, promoting your own ministry,
solving your own problems and answering your own prayers. Or worse,
you'll try to cover up for Him because you think He's not doing it fast
enough, or in the way it should be done. Give it up! Try less and trust more!
Jesus said, "I am the vine, and you are the branches."
All you have to do is stay connected!

Bible-in-a-year Reading: Eph 4:17 - 5:21, Jn 15:1-17, Ps 91, Pr 21:28-31

I received this in my email from one of my poetry groups.
This is what I needed to hear. BE STILL. Wait and lean back in his
comfort. I see there is real peace in knowing that I am not alone-
a HIGHER Power IS looking out for me. Not a mere human who can
fail me, but a HIGHER being who created me knowing that I would have
these issues, and created me knowing he would take care of me- he came
with answers and direction…..I just have to follow it.

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